Video Training By Art Sobczak
If you're like most salespeople, you've heard at least a hundred times that people buy from those they know, like and .... you probably filled in the blank, right.
Yes, trust.
But the interesting thing about that is, where is the instruction on exactly HOW to get people to know, like and trust you?
There's all kinds of training on closing, objections, typical sales stuff, but really, does any of that matter if we're not known, liked, and trusted?
And, we probably wouldn't have much success if we just told someone, "Hey, trust me." Or, "Will you like me?" Or, how do you get known by buyers if you're not already.
Now, someone could argue, and some actually have on Linkedin--because everyone is an expert there, right, that being liked and trusted is not that important. You can still sell without it. Yeah, but is that a good long term strategy? And how fun would that be.
So, wouldn't you agree that it's better to be known, liked, and trusted than not, IF you have the choice.
Well you do.
And that brings me back to my original question. But how do I do that. Or do it better?Well, I had those same questions just like you. And I studied, I observed. I researched. I interviewed. And I looked back on my 35+ years of working with thousands of successful sales professionals who ARE known, liked, and trusted. And I took all of this, and put together a training session for just the members of my Smart Calling Inner Circle Coaching and Training program. The feedback was gratifying. One member said that he had never seen so much useful, how to material on that topic in one place before. Another told me how she uses it in all areas of her life, and it has helped her relationships with her spouse, kids, friends, and new friends... in addition to her increased sales.So I felt like I was doing a disservice to fellow sales pros by keeping this training locked up in our membership area. That's why I decided to make it available to you. You will get instant access to this 75-minute, fast moving session, giving you specific how-to's on how to be better known, liked and trusted.And, in addition to that, I've included training on something else that is rarely covered, and that is how to connect with someone at the highest emotional level, and appeal to their biggest buying motivators. That is selling to their values, their identity, and self-perception. This is powerful stuff. I actually should ask people to sign a promise that they'll only use it for ethical purposes.One catch though: this is not for someone who is looking for the easy button, shiny object, one magic phrase that will make them the most known, liked and trusted person in their industry. There ARE things you can and should do starting today that you'll see some immediate results from, but I'm assuming you're going to be around for awhile, and these ideas and strategies will make you better in these three areas every day. There are more details below, including the bonuses you'll get. Oh, I did consider charging a lot more for this program and calling it a course--which I might do in the future, but for now, I wanted to make it accessible for as many people as possible.So, click below, enter your details, and within minutes you will be into the material, well on your way to be better known, liked, and trusted. I'll see you on the inside.
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What needs to be in place first even before we can be known, liked, and trusted.
The four components of being likable.
How to use “signaling” to be more likeable.
Eight more everyday specific tactics to aid in your likability.
14 ways to build trust.
The four elements of trust that most people don’t think about.
The “Mere Exposure Effect,” and why it’s important to being known.
How to get others to help you become more known.
How to do “evergreen” multi-media self-promotion.
Under-the-radar “stealth” actions to take to make your name known.
Using targeted outreach to become known to the people whom you want to buy from you.
How to connect and sell at the highest emotional level: someone’s values, vision, and self-perception.
Plus much more!
The PDF transcript of every word spoken in the program.
The mp3 audio to download and listen to on your mobile device, wherever you are.
Over the past 35+ years Art Sobczak has helped hundreds of thousands of sales pros--and those who didn't consider themselves to be salespeople but needed to place calls-- to get more of what they wanted by phone. His processes and techniques are known as conversational, real-world, non-salesy, non-cheesy, and get results.
He has delivered over 1700 training programs in almost all industries and types of sales applications, and he will research your business to address your type of calls.
He has authored five books, including "Smart Calling-Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling," which is on amazon's list of the 20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time.
Business By Phone Inc. (480)699-0958
Copyright Art Sobczak, Business By Phone Inc. - All Rights Reserved